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Quantum Theory And Hazrat Ali

  First of all let me tell you that the unbelievable quantum theory is proved and is a fact just as the rotation of the earth is a fact. Your mobile phone, MRI machine, satellites and many other modern gadgets just  work because of quantum mechanics or the quantum theory. In nuclear physics all calculations are done using the equations of quantum theory.  The quantum theory was developed by Max Planck, Niel Bohr, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger, Heisenberg, De Broglie and Paul Dirac. The theory was developed in order to understand the true nature of reality and is a proven fact right now.  Quantum theory say that atoms are made of particles which have dual nature-Quantum state. The electrons, protons, measons, positrons etc are quantum particles means they are both particles and waves, living and dead as well as 'is' and 'is not', a fuzzy state.  We as well as every thing in the universe is made of quantum particles, and that means the reality is fuzzy, uncertain and