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Quantum Theory And Hazrat Ali

 First of all let me tell you that the unbelievable quantum theory is proved and is a fact just as the rotation of the earth is a fact. Your mobile phone, MRI machine, satellites and many other modern gadgets just  work because of quantum mechanics or the quantum theory. In nuclear physics all calculations are done using the equations of quantum theory. 

The quantum theory was developed by Max Planck, Niel Bohr, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrodinger, Heisenberg, De Broglie and Paul Dirac. The theory was developed in order to understand the true nature of reality and is a proven fact right now. 

Quantum theory say that atoms are made of particles which have dual nature-Quantum state. The electrons, protons, measons, positrons etc are quantum particles means they are both particles and waves, living and dead as well as 'is' and 'is not', a fuzzy state. 

We as well as every thing in the universe is made of quantum particles, and that means the reality is fuzzy, uncertain and is always between two states, 'is' and 'is not.' An electron is both a particle as well as a wave-particle and wave are opposites, a particle can be localized at a point whereas a wave cannot be localised and is everywhere. The electron sometimes behaves as a particle and sometimes behaves as a wave, it cannot play both the states at the same time, only one state at a time. Likewise, the quantum theory says  that everything is between 'is' and 'is not,' between the living and the dead, and only our interaction make the things acquire any one state. When we are not interacting the things are in a quantum state. Reality is subjective. When you are watching the moon it is existing for you, but when you are not watching it, it is in a quantum state. The quantum states are not in our control, our interaction  only switches the quantum state of things.And we are also not in control of our quantum state. Everything except God-the creator- is in a quantum state (mumkin ul wajood). God is the truth (Wajib ul wajood). Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavat Gita, " I will become possible again and again=sambhavami yuge yuge. " Lord Krishna is trying to say that he is a quantum being (mumkin ul wajood) uncertain about his own state. 

Between God (wajib ul wajood) and quantum beings (mumkin ul wajood) there are beings who have control over their quantum state by the will of their creator-God. They can switch into any quantum state at will. They are the connecting link between God and the creation, and they are called the Ulil-Amr- those vested with authority. They are between wajib ul wajood and mumkin ul wajood. One such being is Hazrat Ali, the cousin and son -in- law of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He is a quantum being with control over his quantum states (living and the dead).Therefore, when Hazrat Ali (pbuh)died a man came to burry him and he was Hazrat Ali himself. We can say that the living quantum state of Hazrat Ali came to burry his dead quantum state to show the control over his quantum states and prove that he is one of the ulil Amr (vested with authority from God). Regarding the quantum theory Moula Ali (pbuh) says, 

"O' people take this saying of the last of the Prophet (pbuh) that he who dies from among us is not dead, and he who decays from among us does not  really decays. Do not say what you do not understand, because most of the right is in what you deny. "


Is Hazrat Ali not talking about the quantum theory? 

Quran also says what Hazrat Ali has to say as follows, 

Ar-Rum 30:19

يُخْرِجُ ٱلْحَىَّ مِنَ ٱلْمَيِّتِ وَيُخْرِجُ ٱلْمَيِّتَ مِنَ ٱلْحَىِّ وَيُحْىِ ٱلْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَاۚ وَكَذَٰلِكَ تُخْرَجُونَ 

English - Sahih International

"He brings the living out of the dead and brings the dead out of the living and brings to life the earth after its lifelessness. And thus will you be brought out.[1]"

Quran is telling us that the dead and the living are one entity-the quantum state. Now did you understand why Moula Ali has to come burry himself? Most of the truth is in what you deny, Hazrat Ali  says so. 

Kindly go through the Schrodinger cat paradox to understand the living-dead quantum state. 

Alhamdulillah i Rabbil aalameen. 



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